
Supporting a Holistic Community: Rabita Centre Australia’s Grand Opening

How we advocate for a healthy, holistic community through our support of a vital centre’s grand opening.
Uplifting and empowering our local Muslim communities has always been integral to our core values and mission of invigorating the spirit of Islam in broader society.
One significant community initiative that MCCA recently had the honour of attending was the Grand Opening Ceremony of Rabita Centre Australia at their brand new location in Rockbank, Victoria.
Rabita Centre Australia was founded as a hub to bring together, connect, educate and empower our families and youth to live their best lives as Australian Muslims. Since its inception in 2014, MCCA has been a proud supporter of the Rabita Centre and its dedication to nurturing and providing for our growing Muslim community, especially in Melbourne.

Broadening Their Commitment to Local Muslim Communities 

Rabita’s vision for its new home is to continue furthering its goal of benefiting the wider community environmentally and physically. 
Encouraging Islamic education and social activities and the promotion of healthy living have been vital motivators in the construction and renovation process of the new site. This includes installing prayer rooms for men and women and classrooms for weekend school and afterschool tutoring, as well as gym and sporting facilities such as swimming pools once the centre is fully up and running. 
Rabita is keen to welcome community members to run events, classes and community activities at its new centre and continue to expand it to better serve the needs of its members. Beyond daytime activities, Rabita also hopes to build guest rooms for overnight events, as well as an Islamic burial washroom for funeral needs.
Eventually, Rabita aims to develop waqf investment projects and business projects to establish the centre as a self-sustainable entity that does not need to rely on donations and membership fees. MCCA is proud to be assisting Rabita in this goal and its drive to give back to our wonderful community. 

Our Commitment to the Importance of Community in Islam 

Empowering the community has always been an integral aspect of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) taught his companions to be vigilant in caring and showing love for one another and their neighbours. In fact, one of the first things the noble Prophet (PBUH) did when moving to Madinah from Makkah was to build a masjid as the centre community. 
This is the legacy we aim to follow when we help build and support the building of an Islamic centre such as Rabita’s. A centre that wishes to be a welcoming place for our community to come and gather, learn from one another, share stories and engage in goodness.
MCCA is proud to be affiliated and involved with such a great initiative and to see it finally come to fruition. We hope to continue supporting more projects that propel our community forward and encourage its long-term growth.



An Introduction to Islamic Finance

A seminal book on Islamic finance by the world-renowned Mufti Taqi Usmani, this is a must-read for anyone interested in the key concepts, rules, and ideas behind modern Islamic finance.


Finance Application

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