5 lessons from the Quran on how we can increase our spirituality and financial wisdom and understand the true meaning of having wealth and affluence in our lives.
When it comes to financial advice, prominent books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, One Up on Wall Street, and The Intelligent Investor are often referenced for their wealth-building insights.
However, in this article, we explore wisdom drawn directly from the ultimate source of wealth: the Quran.
Delving into its sacred verses, we unearth a wealth of information that not only helps us seek financial success but also enriches our minds and reaffirms our purpose.
Here are 5 lessons from the Quran on how we can increase our spirituality and financial wisdom and understand the true meaning of having wealth and affluence in our lives.
The Power of Forgiveness
The Prophet Nuh (AS) preached to his followers for 950 years, with meagre success. However, he revealed a crucial secret to substantial wealth:
‘…Seek your Lord’s forgiveness, for He is indeed Most Forgiving. He will bestow upon you abundant rain, provide you with wealth and children, and gift you gardens and rivers. (Nuh, 71:10-12)
These verses highlight how God’s support manifests through prosperity and progeny.
In the agricultural era of Nuh (AS)’s followers, abundant rain equated to bumper crops – an atypically large harvest – which meant self-sufficiency and surplus for sale. In essence, wealth.
Likewise, the imagery of receiving “gardens and rivers” is implied to denote blessings in this life or the Hereafter.
The fundamental action for us to see these rewards? Seek forgiveness. Genuine repentance, filled with remorse and a resolution never to return to one’s sins, paves the path to unlocking wealth.
The Importance of Charity
A well-known hadith repeatedly emphasised at many fundraising events declares: “Charity does not decrease wealth.” (Muslim)
Though familiar, its significance should not be taken lightly. The Quran echoes this message:
“The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain that sprouts (into) seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains, and Allah multiplies for whom he will. And Allah is all-sufficient for his creatures’ needs, all-knower” (Al-Baqarah, 2:261)
Moreover, Allah (SWT) states:
“Whoever extends a generous loan to Allah, He will multiply it for them abundantly. Allah is the one who withholds and gives, and to Him is your final return.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:145)
The act of giving charity has always returned in multiples, so give generously without fear of losing wealth. Even if you don’t receive anything in this life, the rewards will be seen in the afterlife.
Know When to Pursue and Leave Wealth
In Surah Jumu’ah, these verses highlight three essential lessons:
“O believers! When the call is made for prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. This is better for you if you understand. Once the prayers are over, disperse in the land and seek out Allah’s bounties. Remember Allah often so that you may succeed.” (Jumu’ah, 62:9-10)
Firstly, the verse emphasises the importance of prayer, especially Friday prayers, and how they take priority over trade and wealth. This is also the only instance where the Quran instructs followers to abandon trade. Therefore, we must never compromise on this aspect, as ignoring this command while expecting blessings in wealth seems contradictory.
Secondly, the verse motivates us to work diligently and seek sustenance and wealth. If we strive in business or career advancement with the primary aim of “seeking from the bounties of Allah”, we are truly obeying Him and He strives to bless us in turn.
Likewise, thirdly, Allah provides guidance on successful business conduct. He urges us to remember Him profusely while seeking His bounties so we may make the best use of our wealth. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) also emphasised the importance of dhikr (remembrance of Allah), which serves as a guiding light for us even when the path forward is unclear, be it in our career and business endeavours and beyond.
Trust in God
In surah Talaq, Allah reiterates twice that those mindful of Him will be blessed beyond their wildest dreams:
“…And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make a way out for them, and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He alone is sufficient for them.” (At-Talaq, 65:2-3)
“And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will absolve them of their sins and reward them immensely.” (At-Talaq, 65:5)
These verses remind us that if we remember and trust in God, we will have everything we need. We gain blessings when we ask Allah (SWT) for guidance. When we’re close to God, our mistakes are forgiven and we are rewarded for seeking that forgiveness.
So, these verses encourage us to see and seek wealth in a holistic way. This includes not only attaining material wealth, but also having our burdens lifted and gaining blessings beyond our imagination, because of our gratitude and mindfulness of Allah (SWT).
Be Good to Others
In the era of the Children of Israel, Qarun was a wealthy man known for his extravagant wealth display and arrogance. The Quran uses his story to teach us a better approach to wealth:
“Seek the rewards of the Hereafter through what Allah has given you, but don’t forget your worldly share. Be as good to others as Allah has been to you. Do not spread corruption, for Allah does not favour the corrupt.” (Al Qasas, 28:77)
This verse reminds us that wealth alone doesn’t define everything. What truly matters is how we use our wealth, whether we employ it for positive purposes and to make a difference.
Seeking wealth and prosperity is well within our rights and the Quran offers guidelines for attaining blessings through honest and ethical means. Likewise, it also encourages us to be responsible and disciplined in managing our wealth, not only for our own benefit but also for the well-being of others, both in this life and the Hereafter.
Ultimately, these lessons from the Quran tell us that the value of wealth comes from more than what we can gain from it material wise. It’s about how we use our wealth to make a difference, to build a bright future for ourselves and others.
The Quran teaches us to see the big picture, helping us not only become financially successful but also have a life filled with meaning, kindness and remembrance of God, allowing us to see rewards in life and the next.