
Mcca Income Fund Exceeds Bloomberg Ausbank Index

In August 2009, MCCA was the first to register a Shariah compliant investment product with the Australian and Securities Investments Commission (ASIC). Since then we thank all of our investors who have made the MCCA Income Fund the income investment of choice for Australia’s Muslims. Just look at what sets the MCCA Income Fund apart:

  • You are investing in a fully Shariah compliant investment regulated by ASIC
  • You only need $1000 to start your investment
  • You do not pay any entry, establishment or exit fees (management fees apply)
  • You can request withdrawal of your money after 6 months or earlier subject to conditions
  • Your investment is secured by residential and commercial property
  • You receive an attractive return monthly straight to your bank account
  • You can set up a regular savings plan

Ok all good you say, but how has the return from the MCCA Income Fund compared to a recognized market index? Well, we have done very well and exceeded the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index over the last few years. Yes, past returns are not indicative of future returns and of course we do not guarantee any projected or targeted return. However, as the following table shows we are very proud of the performance of the MCCA Income Fund over the last five years having exceeded the AusBond Bank Bill Index return.



An Introduction to Islamic Finance

A seminal book on Islamic finance by the world-renowned Mufti Taqi Usmani, this is a must-read for anyone interested in the key concepts, rules, and ideas behind modern Islamic finance.


Finance Application

We congratulate you for making the right choice and selecting the halal home loan alternative. Firstly, complete the home mortgage form below. Once you have completed and submitted this form, a dedicated MCCA sales executive will contact you within 1 business day to walk you through the next stage of your application.