Housing affordability… housing bubble???
It seems that these days everyone – from our nation’s leaders to the average person on the street – has a view on Australia’s housing affordability issue.
“you must ask yourself “
Q: is housing affordability an issue?
A: if I was an average first home buyer, particularly in Sydney or in Melbourne: most probably
So, should I look to buy later when affordability may be better?
Sounds reasonable, right?
Q: what is my trade-off?
If I buy now, I pay today’s price that might be lower or higher than the price I may pay if I buy later
If I buy later, I will pay the later price that may be lower or higher than today’s price
“when is the right time”
Q: But when is later? 3 months?… 1 year?… How will I decide?
Most of us have a view on the outlook for the housing market based on what we see in the last news cycle, but is that correct ?
Watch this space for part two and the conclusion